The End of Glory
14/02/24 – 01/03/24
The exhibition, The End of Glory, has been assembled by graduates and current Foundation and BA students at BHSAD. Students are working remotely with artists in a similar way that a medium works with a spirit. They have had to concern themselves with the translation of a message [the artwork] from a being [the artist] and manifesting it [the display] to an audience. 
From a distance they have fabricated, realised and curated artworks for artists of The Ghost Art School (none of whom are present). This has begun to develop important skills in exhibition production. From sourcing materials to communicating and collaborating with artists internationally; installing and hanging artwork to formulating curatorial decisions; having strict instructions to total freedom; fabricating new pieces to titling the exhibition.
The Ghost Art School is a growing undefined entity which was initiated by conversations with BA, MA, PhD students and graduates across Fine Art faculties at Glasgow School of Art, Slade School of Fine Art and Liverpool John Moores University. The organisation and community exists to haunt art schools.
The caretaker of The Ghost Art School is Rory Macbeth.
The exhibition includes artworks by The Ghost Art School artists: 
Cos Ahmet and Gary Finnegan
Ritu Arya
Leo Bailie
Hannah Browne
Henry Burns
Anna Candlin
Jasmir Creed
Jess Crowe
Tom Doubtfire 
Jon Edgley
Lucia Lernyei
Halyna Maystrenko-Grant
Theodora McClellan
Robert McCormack
Jordan McCrae
Zander Mckenzie
Ursi McIlwain
Matthew Merrick
Molly Mousedell
Karema Munassar
Rose Reekie
Karin Ruggaber
Liam Scully
Anna Shankie
Yolanda Sneddon
With thanks to the mediums: Yarik Antipin, Renata Basyrova, Yana Besova, Sonya Fatina, Mila Gerasimova, Ruslana Kuksova, Katya Makunina, Nastya Nikiforova, Alena Povetkina, Olya Samokhina, Nadia Satkova, Nadya Vasilieva, Maria Vaulina, Polina Vazhenina, Anjelika Vertkova, Valeria Voevodina, Martha Voronina, Vasilisa Yachanova, Sonya Yun.