Imogen Alexander & Valeriya Koltunova
Jazz McInerney & Anastasia Shneps–Shneppe
Louis Neale & Olga Popova
Indianna River & Margarita Sergeeva
Hannah Sullivan & Lisa Podolskaya
Nathan Taylor & Maria Goryachkina
Archie Trott & Sonya Zamanskya & Olga Kobzar
Alice Vincent-Barwood & Liza Kuzyakova
Transmitter would have seen Manchester School of Art Level 5 students undertake a micro-residency at Zil Cultural Centre in Moscow in May 2020 and British Higher School of Art & Design Level 5 students undertake a micro-residency at Pink in Manchester in June 2020. Both of these micro-residencies were cancelled due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. In order to allow the collaboration to develop, and for students from Moscow and Manchester to establish artistic relationships, an online project was established.
Each Level 5 Moscow student was paired with a Level 5 Manchester student. These pairs of students designed instructions for each other in order that their counterpart could realise an art work for them in another city in another country. The resulting instructions and the works realised are shown in the exhibition Transmitter at FutureLab. The students conducted a series of dialogues as the project developed through email and Zoom, these dialogues, documenting their responses to the project are also presented within the exhibition.
Moscow Calling 2
Natalia Arzamastseva
Alexandra Bolshakova
Valeriy Butakov
Maria Danilova
Alexander Iliashenko
Marina Koshlina
Sonya Zamanskaya
Moscow Calling 2 would have seen British Higher School of Art & Design Level 4 students undertake a micro-residency at PS Mirabel in Manchester in May 2020. This was cancelled due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. The exhibition at FutureLab is the work the BHSAD students would have shown in Manchester.
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