In a climate of economic instability, and at a time when artistic practices are continuing to diversify, the symposium aims to explore a number of modes of studio practice. How does exposure to different models of the studio within art school impact on how artists use a studio upon graduation? How do studio groups differ in their support of artist’s practices? What is the relationship between artists and their assistants? 
Speakers include a number of prominent art educators; studio groups from a range of different cities; artists and academics who will discuss the practices of artists who employ teams of assistants within their studios.
10:30 Arrival and introductions 

11.00 Martin Newth Programme Director of Fine Art, Chelsea College of Arts

11.20 Juan Cruz Dean of Fine Art, Royal College of Art

11.40 Neil Mulholland Shift/Work, Edinburgh College of Art & Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop

13.30 Adam Townend & Michaela Cullen, Serf, artists studios and project space, Leeds

13.50 Annie Carpenter & Taneesha Ahmed, Rogue Artists Studios, Manchester

14.10 Adam Phillips & Dawn Bothwell, The Northern Charter, artists studios and project space, Newcastle

15.30 Fran Bundey, East Street Arts, Leeds

15.50 Jenny Dunseath, Author of ‘Artist Boss: Anthony Caro’s studio assistants and issues of legacy in British Sculpture’

16.10 Phil Mayer, Ryan Gander’s studio manager 

16.50 No Working Title, Jo Addison and Natasha Kidd