The Gallery in the Expanded Field III
Abstract Kab, Baliza, Boreal Throne, EDDYSROOM, Keijiban, Lemme
28/05/24 – 08/06/24

The End of Glory
14/02/24 – 01/03/24

Body & Space
Aleksandra Alehina, Gena Bondarenko, Anna Chashchina, Anastasia Davydova, Aleksandra Koldobenkova, Ksenia Kulikova, Yulia Maksutova, Valeria Mishina, Uliana Polyanicheva, Nadia Satkova, Nikita Semerenko, Polina Shekikhanova, Victoria Usova, Polina Vazhenina
29/11/23 – 15/12/23

The Gallery in the Expanded Field II
Disneyland Paris, Existential House, Futuro Minor, Moon Grove, Peep, Porcino, Suihkulähde
14/06/23 – 06/07/23

Cover Version
Works by Marina Abramovic & Ulay, Kurt Buchwald, Maurizio Cattelan, Gilbert & George, Gary Hill, Tehching Hsieh, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sarah Lucas, Alvin Lucier, George Rodger, Fred Sandbach, Santiago Seirra, Andy Warhol and Francesca Woodman
Remade by Foundation students from the British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow
02/03/22 – 08/04/22

The Gallery in the Expanded Field
650mAh, APTART, betweenwindows, DKUK, Desktop Residency, Deveron Projects, Good Weather, Lock Up International, MXXXII, North London Contemporary Art Outpost, Overcoat Gallery, Recent Activity, The Institute of Jamais Vu
25/05/21 – 25/06/21

Talent Show
Harry Meadley with Alexandra Bolshakova, Marina Koshlina, Olga Popova, Sofya Zamanskaya
Featuring Nazira Berikbay, Alexey Bobrov, Maria Istomina, Valerya Milovanova, Albina N, Dora Sidorenko
03/03/21 – 09/04/21

Foundations: 100 years after VKhUTEMAS
10/11/20 – 26/02/21

Transmitter + Moscow Calling 2
West Bund Art Centre, Shanghai
05/12/20 – 13/12/20

Moscow Calling
Maria Goryackina, Elizaveta Kuzyakova, Anna Piltsova, Elizaveta Podolskaya, Olga Popova, Margarita Sergeeva
03/05/19 – 09/05/19

Frances Neil / Francis Neil
Rory Macbeth & Laura Lord
25/05/18 – 01/06/18

Jenny West & Ian Jackson
24/11/17 – 01/12/17

Tumultuous Noise
Simon Boase, Katherine Cholerton, Benjamin Nelson Clay, David Cotton, Niomi Fitzsimmons-Fairweather, Joseph Frost, Vee Hartley, Thom Milson, Fred Pepper, Chloe Plumb, Leo Plumb, Glen Pudvine, Jade Rawling, James Schofield, David Stanners, Karl Vickers
With special guest William Noel Clarke
And curatorial assistance from Helena Kate Whittingham
08/06/17 – 16/06/17

The Latest
Pavel Büchler & Nina Chua
15/05/17 – 25/05/17

Fully Awake
Teaching Painting
Phil Allen with Howard Rogers and Amy Moffat; Neil Clements with Carol Rhodes and Georgia Horgan; Jeff Dennis with David Trenow and Mathew Sawyer; Moyra Derby with Vanessa Jackson and Hannah Weatherhead; Andrew Grassie with John Stezaker and James Tabbush; Catrin Huber with Erwin Gross and Harriet Sutcliffe; John McClenaghan with Jimmy Cosgrove and Lucinda Turner; Katie Pratt with Rosa Lee and Ilchi Kim; Magnus Quaife with Mali Morris and Rafal Topelewski; Daniel Sturgis with David Troostwyk and May Hands
06/04/17 – 21/04/17

Inventory of Behaviours
A No Working Title Project
07/02/17 – 17/02/17

What's a studio & how do we use one?
A one day symposium in conjunction with Inventory of Behaviours

Elaine Ang, Charlie Cook, Raphaella Davies, Xinran Du, John Flindt, Devon Forester-Jones, Amy Gough, Jaron Hill and Angelina Jesson, Rene McBrearty, Grace Woodcock
12/01/17 – 27/01/17

Doug Bowen Prize
Scarlett Hirst
13/06/16 – 17/06/16

Doubles Series + Mintier
Lucy Clout & Clare Charnley
Katy Bentham, Harry Maberly, Lizzie Masterton, Lachlan McFeely Bolt, Nellie Saunby
12/05/16 – 26/05/16

Mercedes Azpilicueta with Ness Herringshaw, Sam Kan, Seren Metcalfe, and Jazmin Morris; Marije Gertenbach because of Holly Beer, Jess Eastwood, Georgia Holman, and Michelle Leck; Tamar Harpaz through Hannah Brown, Grace Elder, Maddy Sadler, and Emily Uttley; Christine Moldrickx by Jess Carnegie, Peter Holgate, Is van Leest, and Anna Stacey
Curated by Alex Farrar
18/03/16 – 01/04/16

I miss you forever and ever Norway xoxo
Bethan Alex, Luca Asta, Anna Ehmen, Liam Johnstone, Kristoffer Ala Ketola, Dimitra Kous, Real Lee, Anja Petersen, Leo Plumb, Benedict Regan, Beata Szabo, Paul Takahashi, Timna Tomisa, Helena Kate Whittingham
04/02/16 – 19/02/16

Adeeb Ashfaq, Simone Barnes, Kelly Bishop, Alice Chandler, George Garthwaite, Sarah Hardy, Sam Keelan, Annie Leader, Florence Mytum, Liv Preston, Harriet Selka, Ellie Wadman
03/12/15 – 18/12/15

Glasgow → Leeds; Leeds → Glasgow
Miriam Chefrad, Nathan Cook, Joanne Dawson, Freya Fullarton, George Garthwaite, Lucie Liénard, Lilian Ptáček, Chitra Sangtani, Elinor Stanley, Rebecca Stewart, Ella Walker, Kate Woodward
09/07/15 – 24/07/15

Doubles Series + Interim
Ciara Phillips & Edwin Pickstone
Ruth Bingham-Hamilton, Eleanor Elks Herrmannsen, Jake Krushell, Tim Offredi, Gina Price, Philip Speakman
Selected by Ciara Phillips & Edwin Pickstone
14/05/15 - 29/05/15

Exquisite Collapse
Salvatore Arancio, James Balmforth, Emily Jones, Marcus Kleinfeld, Fay Nicolson, Marianne Spurr, Viktor Timofeev
Curated by Carolina Ongaro
04/02/15 - 25/02/15

Doug Bowen, Holly Brearley, Stacy Broadbent, Jessie Churchill, Georgia Dennison, Joe Hancock, Sophie Hopkinson, Joe Horner, Aphra O’Connor, Caitlin Robinson, Geraldine Snell, Emilie Spark, Aaron Wells, Natasha Young
04/12/14 - 18/12/14

The Institute of Jamais Vu
12/06/14 – 11/07/14

Alice Chandler, George Garthwaite, Florence Mytum, Liv Preston, Sam Shackleton, Elinor Wadman
Selected by Nick Thurston & Nigel Walsh
03/04/14 – 12/04/14

Wu Tang – Killa Beez
Åbäke, Majed Aslam, Simeon Barclay, Chris Barr, Black Argos, Simon Boase, Bam Brooks, Joseph Buckley, Steve Carrick, Isaac Clarke, Philip Coyne, Matthew Crawley, Tom Esam, Alex Farrar, FOGBEAST, Ryan Gander, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Chris Newlove Horton, Alex Jackson, Perce Jerrom, Sean Kaye, Daisy Kennedy, Joseph Lewis, Francis Lloyd-Jones, Lindsay McMillan, Max Mead, Harry Meadley, Jonathan Monk, John Henry Newton, Hardeep Pandhal, Paul Rooney, Roland Ross, Benjamin Slinger, Iona Smith, David Steans, Matt Welch, Jenny West, Josh Whitaker, Christopher Wool
Produced by Josh Whitaker
05/12/13 – 14/12/13

Dean Hughes & Annette Heyer
14/11/13 – 30/11/13

The School of The Damned
Jack Barraclough, Rachael Haines, Andy Healy, Joseph Lewis, Matilda Moors, Jennifer Pengilly, Sara Nunes Fernandes, Clare Rees-Hales, Rosie Ridgway, Stefan Sadler, Georgina Sleap, David Steans, Liam Wright-Higgins
10/10/13 – 26/10/13

Tom Bennett, Joseph Buckley, Isaac Clarke & Lindsay McMillan, Catriona Gallagher, Kayleigh Handley, Joshua Hart & Ingram Roeder, Joseph Hulme, Ian Jackson, Joshua Johnson, Francis Lloyd-Jones, Emily Robinson, Jessica Roper, Rosie Sillitoe, Benjamin Edwin Slinger, Daniel Townend
12/09/13 – 28/09/13

Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!
Emma Bennett, Harry Bix, Chloe Cooper, Rhys Coren, Alex Farrar, Bobby Charlton Foster, The Hut Project & James Harkness, Leeds United, Harry Meadley, Mimic Mass, Simon Nelson, New Weirdos, Alia Pathan & Niklas Tafra, The Printernet, Matthew Randle, Roland Ross & Josh Whitaker, Giorgio Sadotti, Charles Sheldon, Rosanna Skett & Will Strong, Tansy Spinks, Jack Strange, Barry Sykes, John Timberlake, Nina Wakeford
Organised by Hayley Dixon
15/08/13 – 07/09/13

Rachel Adams, Simon Bedwell, Lucy Clout, William Darrel, Alex Farrar, Catherine Jones, Leeds Weirdo Club, Philip Nicol, Andy Parker, Paul Rooney, Josh Whitaker
An exhibition of artists studios curated by C.B.S
26/07/13 – 10/08/13

Birds Do Not Always Hide to Die
An exhibition of photographs from the collection of Maïwenn Walter
Co-curated by Derek Horton and Nick Thurston
28/06/13 – 18/07/13

The Hut Project Painting with Art & Language
Art & Language and The Hut Project
30/05/13 – 20/06/13

Juan Cruz & Robin Jenkins
25/04/13 – 23/05/13

Shoot the Works:
Unwelcome participation in non-participatory art
Abram Balashev, Cecilia Gimenez, IOCOSE, Paul Kelleher, Leeds United, Keith MacIsaac, Eva and Franco Mattes, Mary Richardson, Tony Shafrazi, The Weathermen
Organised by Chris Newlove Horton
29/03/13 – 18/04/13

Doug Bowen, Stacey Broadbent, Eve Matthews, Jennifer Morgan, Aphra O'Connor, Geraldine Snell, Natascha Young
Selected by Lisa Le Feuvre & Paul Rooney
07/03/13 – 21/03/13

Formed Where Found
Stuart Bennett & Lyndsay Mann
07/02/13 – 28/02/13

Peter Liversidge & Levin Haegele
10/01/13 – 31/01/13